I’m Jules and I’m thrilled to welcome you to this space where we’ll explore all things holistic health. From cleansing the body – and the mind – to foods that heal and how all this relates to spirituality, my hope is that you will learn to trust yourself and your body’s innate wisdom, so that you can feel empowered in all areas of your life. 

To kick things off, let me tell you a bit about how I got to where I am today and why I am so passionate about holistic health. 

I’ve been interested in alternative healing since I was a kid, but my career path began more than 20 years ago after my first yoga class. As I laid in the final resting pose (aka savasana), my entire body was buzzing with a sense of peace and openness I had never experienced before. It was a profound moment that ignited my desire to understand this feeling and how the body really works. 

Yoga led me to dive deep into the world of nutrition and foods that heal. I had been introduced to these concepts before, namely in college when a coworker shared her incredible journey of healing herself from cervical cancer. She eventually gave me a book that would forever alter the course of my life: The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program by Ann Wigmore. Fast forward several years, my bookshelves were filled with nutrition books (both the so-called latest and greatest in new research and timeless classics). I did countless experiments with fasting, detoxes, and diets. I also established a regular meditation practice, which was where I had another profound experience in my physical body. It felt as though I had stepped onto the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars just as it engaged its warp speed. In an instant, my consciousness soared into the vastness of the galaxy. I was quite literally among the stars. I know this may sound completely crazy, and it was to me at the time. But at that moment, I had a deep intuition and knowing that my next step was to enroll in The Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

I’m excited to talk more about intuition and how it can help us make sense of a very confusing and seemingly chaotic world, especially as it relates to healing and what food is best for our body. When I studied at IIN to become a certified holistic health coach, we learned over 200 different dietary theories! What became very clear during that time is that nobody really knows what the best diet is for humans! We have a lot of theories and a lot of very passionate champions of various diets, but people are sicker than ever before! We have a serious healthcare crisis in our country. And despite all the new discoveries about the human body, the microbiome, and neuroscience, there is still so much we don’t know! This fact drives me absolutely bonkers as someone who just wants to help people feel better and get well. 

As I continue searching for the answers, making sense of the chaos and conflicting nutrition information, what I can say for sure is this: 1) nutrition science is constantly changing and evolving, 2) nature knows best. These key concepts have been my guiding stars as I shape my own perspective on holistic health. This is for sure an on-going inquiry, as I am still learning (and plan to always be learning and asking important questions).  

What is the most accurate health information? 

What is true health? 

Is it possible to keep the body buzzing with aliveness and expansiveness?  

In 2010 I co-created the CONSCIOUS CLEANSE, a 14-day online whole food-based cleanse, and brought clean eating to a large audience. During this time, not only did I reach new levels of health for myself, I also had the privilege of teaching others to eat real food and tune in to how it made them feel. The program continues to impact the lives of tens of thousands of people worldwide, and for that I am incredibly proud. I’ve also realized that there is more work to do. Cutting out processed foods and harmful ingredients, and identifying food allergies is imperative, But if you truly want to experience the joy and wonder of living in a body, you have to go further. We have to go further. Which brings me to a topic that is near and dear to my heart: True Health.  

True health goes beyond what you eat or don’t eat, or even whether you’re symptom free or not. It’s so much more. It’s about getting to the root cause of the imbalance, the pain, the symptom, and/or the allergy. The truth is that the body is filled with accumulated waste. We have to remove the physical waste and get the body back into tip top shape so that we can address your consciousness. You see, the mind is also filled with accumulated waste, namely old, outdated thought patterns and conditioning from your past. To access your full potential – and true health, you must remove all the blocks you have between you and your true nature. We do this through proper diet and nutrition, detoxification, and purification of the mind. As you open up all these channels in your physical body and conscious mind, you begin to realize the truth of who you are. You are a spiritual being having a temporary physical experience! 

The world of nutrition and natural health may seem overwhelming, chaotic, and often confusing, but it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s time to simplify and get back to the basics. Following the laws of nature, we’ll learn how to embody a state of well-being –  physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. I won’t claim that it will be easy, breaking habits rarely is. But I assure you it will be a worthwhile journey. In fact, your life or the life of a loved one, may depend on it.

Are you ready to go deeper? Are you curious about exploring the wonders of healing foods? Have you heard a call to cleanse your body and your mind? Are you ready to take an incredible journey of self-discovery and learn how all this is intertwined with our connection to Spirit? 

If you’re intrigued and want to experience a feeling of awe and peace and openness like you never have before, SUBSCRIBE HERE for weekly updates and get ready for a wild ride filled with fantastic insights and transformative discoveries.

All my love, 


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